Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mewtwo To You Too

So ya probably heard about this, if ya is a real Pokemon fan, born an' raised since the Nineties forced us ta be men, not pansies.

Mewtwo... got a... new form? Clone? Cousin? I ain't the one ta tell ya if it's what or not, but I AM gonna tell ya how I feel.

Since Kanto, the money generation, people have held the first 151 with high regard. Ya can't mess what ain't broke, they sez. None, I gotta say, more than Mewtwo. Ya mess with him, ya get Hell ta pay.

Now me, I ain't a stickler for that gen. I can adapt pretty well, since, as I said, I ain't a pansy.

But I'm startin' ta see a trend with these "announcements"...

Gen 6 Starters: "What will they evolve into? I hope Fennekin ain't a damn fightin' evo again!"
Gen 6 Legendaries: "What typings are they? Are they new typings?"
Gen 6 Eeveelution: "That ain't no particular Eevee typing ta me! What's its deal anyhow?"
Gen 6 Mewtwo: "Whazzat? A new form? A clone? Whatever Phione is ta Manaphy?"


Who's that Pokemon? I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!

I think they's tryin' ta build suspense for this gen. Last gen they couldn't do that, since it ain't a gen with real surprises.

No, really. It ain't. Black characters an' female professor an' a new continent an' TripleRotation battles ain't surprises.

Unknown Eeveelution typing? The suspense of Fennekin's fate? Mewtwo's future? It ain't clear. An' every time we got a question, they bring out an even harder one.

Me, I gotta say, it's brilliant. What marketin' ideas have done this so well? You get excited for the new game! Not even the title makes sense! Black 'n' White, it's easy ta guess that ideals are countering. But X an' Y? I ain't got a clue!

For now, just enjoy the ride that Pokemon is puttin' ya through. An' don't go on forums ta figger it out. It never works.

Next time we'll talk about what I wanna. I really hope it ain't somethin' dumb, like, "New Deoxys form!" Ugh.