Sunday, May 12, 2013

Probably No Light Type...


One of them, however, seems to disprove the existence of a Light typing. See the little yellow guy? He's Electric/Normal, and is the Generation Pokemon. As in generating electricity. No doubt light as well. I believe because of him, we won't be seeing a Light type at this point. Sure, it doesn't prove anything, but that guy's about as light as they come.

The others I'm in favor of. I love the Fighting panda, and the Grass Gogoat is kinda cool, especially since you can ride it. The robin... I see it as the odd one out in this image. I firmly feel that it's this region's national bird, like Pidgey or Pidove. The fact that it can learn Flame Charge does inspire some hope in me that its final form won't just be a boring Normal/Flying type again, like so many others.

The panda is adorable, but as I was talking about Spinda before, I can't help but feel that this panda is too close to what real pandas look like. Spinda is a clear exaggeration, but this guy... well, hopefully he'll evolve into something as cool as he is cute.

You can ride Gogoat. Which is why I've been calling it Gogoat. Aside from being its name, you can go on the goat, which I'm fascinated with. Can we expect more rideable Pokemon? I hear you can only ride on it in the main city, which is fine, but disappointing. Not much is known about the city, but as far as I can tell, it's involved with a marketplace.

More news: You can customize your trainer, giving them different skin and hair colors. This makes sense, especially given a previous image of the male trainer looking at a mirror. I welcome this feature, even if this is as far as it goes.

Back to the Electric/Normal Pokemon. So this might mean that Light isn't a type, but it's not conclusive. But if they wanted to make a Light type, this Pokemon would have been a great opportunity. They could still do it, but I don't think so. Besides, it's too much of a game-changer. Where were Arceus' Light plates? Would Flash becoming a Light type really change anything? For that matter, can you think of that many Light type moves to fight with?

Sound could still work. The fact that there's an ability protecting from Sound-based moves, not to mention the many Sound-based Pokemon like the Whismur family, Chatot, and Meloetta, all of which are at least part Normal type, means that Sound isn't too far off.

Next time, hopefully, we'll get more insight on X & Y. Maybe something bigger can be revealed.

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