Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Luvdisc, The Pokemon Troll

Who thought this was a good idea? Really, I know you heard it all before, but how is this Pokemon okay? Let's see why it sucks:

-Crap stats (Only good stat is SPEED???)

-Bland typing (Water. Freakin' great.)

-No evolution (I'll go into that.)

-Limited movepool (SUUUUUUUUUCKS.)

It's just the butt of every Pokemon joke. All you get from it is Heart Scales, but even now you can get them easier than findin' one of these jerks!

What's really cruel about its existence is Alomomola. Look at it!

That actually looks kinda cool! The perfect evolution for Luvdisc, right?


Gamefreak, why did you do this? Everything adds up! Same typing! Close designs! Perfect evolution choice! SO WHY DOESN'T LUVDISC EVOLVE INTO THIS???

That's why Luvdisc is the perfect troll Pokemon. Just when you think it'll stop sucking, it just sucks even more.

Next time we'll talk about what I wanna. Better tune in, or you'll miss out.

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