Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Religion in Pokemon?

The world of Pokemon is like our world, but freakier. In Unova, they made it MUCH MORE like our world. They got cars, movies, sports, and gay people. No, not Burgh. That hiker at the ferris wheel.

So I ask. I yell it, actually...


I mean, I don't wanna upset the balance of the series with religion, but it seems likely. They never say "God", but Pokemon like Arceus implies it.

I'm not even gonna touch that "Capturing God in a Pokeball". I ain't that dumb.

It's gotta be hinted at, guys. Take that place in the corner of Hearthome.

THAT IS SO OBVIOUSLY A CHURCH. Not to mention, the people say nothing but religious-like sentences. Also, there's no music. It ain't got no purpose, neither. No one gives you anything useful there. SO WHY IS IT IN THE GAME???

"I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!" - Red and Blue 3:16

Yeah, so I guess there's religion in Pokemon. I'll quit bein' a fan if they ever make Pokemon Protestant and Pokemon Catholic. (The third game would be Pokemon Mormon.)

But it's kinda weird ta think about. Do some people worship Arceus and others Mew? Is Mew Jesus and Arceus God? Would that make Mewtwo the Antichrist? Darkrai'd be the devil, I guess.

Why ain't there a human God? I mean, God ain't human, but if He was really God, He wouldn't be able to GET CAUGHT IN A POKEBALL. Dammit, I couldn't hold back.

Mew just seems to be the true Pokemon God to me. He has more attack-variety since he can learn any TM. Can Arceus? NO. WHAT KINDA GOD IS HE ANYWAY?

Okay, God can't eat, since that'd be silly. So maybe like Him, Arceus is limited in his infinite ways...? HELL IF I KNOW.

Next time we'll talk about what I'd like to talk about. It ain't gonna be about religion.

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